Grace for My Home | Christian Women, Growing in Faith, Spirit-Led, Hearing from God, Sowing Truth

In a World Full of Foolishness, Choose Wisdom

Audrey McCracken | Mom Encourager Season 2 Episode 81

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Audrey McCracken:

Hello friends, welcome back to Grace From my Home. I finally made it back. I hope that you guys did not give up on me. I said I was going to take a couple of weeks off and I ended up taking a couple of months off, but I thought about you the whole time, I promise. I kept thinking I've got to get back to grace for my home. But I needed the break. I needed the mental break I needed to disconnect from not just the podcast but from several things, and I kept thinking I have got to get back. My listeners are going to go away, so hopefully you're still with me, but I appreciate your patience and I'm so glad to go away. So hopefully you're still with me, but I appreciate your patience and I'm so glad to be back. I had several of you reach out to me just to make sure that I was coming back, and that was a blessing, because some of you I'd never heard from before, I'd never spoken to you, I'd never talked to you. So it was good to see that there were people that I didn't know that were out there listening, and I knew there were. But I love to know who's listening and sometimes you know as the Lord puts you on my heart. I pray for you and I just appreciate you being patient with me and hanging on and waiting and I'm glad to be back and I'm just thankful for this time.

Audrey McCracken:

I really did need it, guys. You know I had come to a point where, not because of the podcast but because of so many things, I had really felt burned out and like I didn't have anything to share. And I knew I still had things I wanted to share but I just didn't feel like I was able to show them in the right heart and the right attitude and I just felt like I needed to draw away for a little while. And you know that is against everything that people tell you in the podcasting world. You know I've had people who tell me, who tell, who have told me, never go a week without posting a podcast, told me, never go a week without posting a podcast. And you know, even if you have to go and repost an older one, and you know, just make it a greatest hits or something like that. And I know there's wisdom in that. But for me and my life sometimes I have to let something die so that it can come back the right way, so that it can come back the right way.

Audrey McCracken:

And so I'm back this week and I just want to give you a little update of some things that are going on here in our home we have three teenagers right now 17, 16, and my youngest is about to turn 14 in June. So three boys and they are full of energy and they're growing up so fast and I have mixed feelings about that. Love to see it, love to see the young men that they're becoming. But last week on my phone I got an update from Shutterfly that says you know, 15 years ago today, and then nine years ago today and five years ago today, and I'll be honest with you, I was about in tears because I thought my babies have grown up and I'm very proud of the young men that they have become and I am so glad to be a part of their lives. But as they grow up, I'm having to grow up too. As they find new things and develop in the areas where you know God, the areas where God has placed them, I'm having to to refine myself and it's good but it's scary. You know, there's something really comfortable about knowing your place and and find you know doing the same thing that you've always done. You know I know how to do that. But when things start moving and things start changing and we're not really sure what our job is at this point in time, that can be a little scary or at least a little uncomfortable. And that's where I've been with my children.

Audrey McCracken:

My oldest son, david, he's going into his, he's finishing up his junior year, going into a senior year next year. He just had soccer playoffs and he had a great season. He did really well. He's also in an IB program at our local high school and so he's very busy these this time of year with tests and those kind of things. Took his first SAT a couple weeks ago. My middle son, luke, he has been in track and field this year. This is a new experience for him and he today qualified to go to the Lower State Championship for the javelin throw. That's just a whole new sport for him because his thing has been football, football, football. But this was I'm glad he did this. It was something different and he did well and it's kind of opened up his eyes to some other things and helped him meet some new people.

Audrey McCracken:

And also my youngest son, caleb. I have been homeschooling him. This past year. I've homeschooled him since he was four or five years old, but next year he has decided to go to public school with his two older brothers and my husband, who is the principal at our local high school. So I'm going to miss him so much. He and I are very close because we spend so much time together. But I know it's the right decision. He is, he's ready for that, he sees his brothers involved in things and he wants to be there too. So just a little cat recap on my, on my sons and what's going on there.

Audrey McCracken:

Our coffee shop is going well. We opened a coffee shop in June, so we're coming up on our one-year anniversary soon. That is mind-blowing. We haven't had a full year yet, so we're still learning the seasons and trying to figure it all out. And it's exciting and it's work. It is a lot of work. I cannot lie, it's more work. Things are always lot of work. I cannot lie, it's more work. You know things are always more work than you think they're going to be, but it is a lot of work.

Audrey McCracken:

But it's also a ministry. My sister and I we manage it and we see it as a ministry. It's an outreach into the community. It's a way to serve. It's a way to find the needs of the community and the needs of the people. We have so many people that we've added to our prayer list since we've started this and I'm just thankful to the Lord for that connection with the community, because we also moved our church to this same city back in October. So we opened up the coffee shop in June, moved our church there in October. Church is doing well. We're growing. We're growing slow, but that's really intentional because we're trying to figure all that out. Right now we're meeting in a gym, so it's not an ideal space for a church, but it's a temporary solution to our need for a building. But we're also actively looking for a building in the community and just hoping that soon we can find that, find something that will meet our needs and allow us to grow.

Audrey McCracken:

I've taken on new responsibilities in my church, which is the things I've wanted to do. I felt like that I was called to do for a long time and it's just that season. It's that season to step into them. So that's a little recap on our lives and what's going on here. We're making plans for summer, or at least thinking about making plans for summer and I hope that you are doing well. I hope that God is doing new things in you.

Audrey McCracken:

Usually in the summer I try to take a break from podcasting, but I'm not going to do that this summer because I just had my break. So I'll let that count as my summer break and try to keep on going throughout the summer, and I do love coming to you each week and sharing with you. I have missed this opportunity to pour out to share encouraging words and that's why I do this. I just want you to know that that I do not make any money on podcasting. I do have a Buy Me a coffee link in my show notes and I think I've had two people buy me a coffee, which certainly is I'm very thankful for. It was a blessing. It was a pleasant surprise both times, but I don't do this for that.

Audrey McCracken:

I do this because I know what it's like to be a mom by yourself with children all day long and wonder if it matters, and I want to scream from the rooftop that it matters. It matters so much. Like I said, as those Shutterfly photos came back from 15 years and eight years and five years, it did something in my soul this past week to see those little ones, and it's so funny because some of the photos were from days that I don't remember Like I don't remember going to the state park that day, but my boys do, because I showed them the photos and they're like oh yeah, yeah, I remember that, I remember that. I don't remember it. And sometimes you know, you just wonder does this day matter? And this day matters, even the days you don't have photos of those days. Every day matters and there are so many days that I've spent with my boys that I do not remember. I don't remember everything we did. Maybe it was just laundry, Maybe the only thing I accomplished that day was reading to them and laundry, but that day mattered.

Audrey McCracken:

And I just want to encourage you in that, that your life matters, that the things that you're doing in your home, that they have eternal reward, and God has, he sees and he cares. And good job, mama, don't stop, keep on going, because one day you will be so thankful that you did the hard thing. You know, we're in a world right now that in so many ways, feels like there's chaos all around and there's so much foolishness and there's so much violence happening right now and it just seems like since 2020 when COVID hit and I know there was a lot of foolishness before COVID, but I guess it just seems like it's just advanced so quickly. But I guess it just seems like it's just advanced so quickly and as I see the foolishness around us and the confusion, my heart really does go out to people, and especially to moms. But, mamas, I want to tell you that we have an advantage.

Audrey McCracken:

The advantage we have, first of all, is we have God. He knows the end from the beginning. He's not confused, he's not worried, he's not afraid. He has a plan and when we're in that plan, we can rest in him, because we're not out there trying to do our own thing. We're in him trying to do his thing, and so he takes responsibility for us. He opens the doors that need to be open, he shuts the doors that need to be shut and he gives us all that we need. He gives us the wisdom that we need, the strength, the resources, the time. See, when we're about his business, he takes responsibility for us and we can rest in that.

Audrey McCracken:

Now Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and that word for yoke is it means responsibility. You know, when we're doing the things that Jesus has put us over, when we are responsible for the things that he's asked us to do, then there is an ease. It's not easy, but there is an ease, there's an ability, there's a grace to do it. And so we have an advantage. Our advantage is that we're in Christ and also that he never changes. You know, the world can be upside down, twisted and turning, but we are on a solid rock that is dependable and never changes. He never changes. So we just have to get with him and we can stand on solid ground, even when so many things around us feel like they're they're in a spin or a turn or tornado. You know, christ is the solid rock and we can get in him and stand on his firm foundation. And also another advantage that we have is that he promises that, no matter what situation or no matter what is going on around us, that if we lack the wisdom that we need in that situation, then all we have to do is ask.

Audrey McCracken:

Now God says in James 1, if any person lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives liberally, generously to all, without finding fault, and it shall be given him. I'm so glad he adds that part without finding fault, because that means it doesn't matter how foolish I was 10 minutes ago. If I'm serious right now and I ask him for wisdom, he's not going to deny it, he's not going to scold me, he's not going to say, well, not now, look how you messed up, he's just going to give it. And I appreciate that, because to ask for wisdom it requires us to humble ourselves and admit we don't have wisdom. And he upholds the humble, but he resists the proud. And so we have that advantage that we, the God of the universe, the one who made everything, the one who knows everything, promises to give us the wisdom we need if we'll just humble ourselves and ask. And so I want to encourage you in that today.

Audrey McCracken:

One of the things that the Lord has been putting on my heart lately is seek wisdom. Let wisdom be a priority in your life. You know, with all of these things going on in my life right now the coffee shop, the church, my life right now the coffee shop, the church, the kids, my marriage, our home, all of the things pulling at me, needing my attention I had, I found myself at a point where God time with God was definitely on the back burner, and I could tell because I was easily shaken and frazzled and worried over things that would not typically shake me. And you know, for a while I'm like, oh, is it my hormones? Is it my diet? And I had to come to the realization that no, it's that. I'm not praying, I'm working in my own strength. I'm not renewing my mind.

Audrey McCracken:

All of the worries of the world are just, they're attaching themselves to me and I'm not doing anything to wash them off. I'm not doing anything to get rid of them. I'm taking them on as my own. The enemy is just throwing things in my mind and I'm just taking them up and like they belong to me and they're not mine and they're not true. But without that time with God, without that time to draw along and be with him so he can wash off the lies, so that he can remind me of who I am in Christ, so that he can remind me of the things that he wants me to be thinking about, then I'm weak and I'm an easy target, and so he's been reminding me. Leave the crowd, get alone with me, spend a little bit of time with me, and when you come back, you'll still have the same issues. You'll still have the same problems, but you'll see them through my eyes. You'll see them in comparison to God, and they're really small compared to him. So I just encourage you seek wisdom. That's what he's been telling me. Seek wisdom, seek me and I will bring everything into order. I'll bring it into perspective.

Audrey McCracken:

You know one of the things I've been reading. I've been reading Proverbs and I want to read for you a few scriptures out of Proverbs 8. It says Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? At the highest point, along the way where the paths meet, she takes her stand Beside the gate leading into the city. At the entrance, she cries out to you oh people, I call out, I raise my voice to all mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence. You who are foolish, set your hearts on wisdom. Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say. I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. All the words of my mouth are just. None of them are crooked or perverse. To the discerning, all of them are right. They are upright. To those who have found knowledge, choose my instruction instead of silver Knowledge rather than choice. Gold for wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Audrey McCracken:

The Lord is encouraging us to seek wisdom above all things, above riches, above status, above comfort. Choose wisdom because it is that valuable. We live in a world that does not value wisdom. They value knowledge. They think if they gather all this knowledge and know enough stuff, then they can figure everything out. But knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom. Knowledge is knowing stuff. Wisdom is knowing things and knowing how to apply those things to our lives in a way that honors God.

Audrey McCracken:

Wisdom is much more valuable than just knowledge. Knowledge may be true, it may be good, it may be true, it may be good, it may be right. But wisdom is knowing how to apply that knowledge in our everyday lives in ways that honor God. And he promises that if we lack wisdom, he will give it if we asked. And I think of wisdom as treasure. You know, he says right here, it's more precious than gold, it's more precious than silver, it's more precious than anything we could ever desire. And I think of wisdom as a treasure that we save up and as we grow older and we keep saving it and we keep saving it, then, hopefully, as we mature, we grow in wisdom and we become more and more wise and less and less foolish, because we've all got some foolishness Right, and my hope, my desire for us is to live as women of wisdom, that we have enough wisdom not just for ourselves but for other people, because you've got people in your life who are looking to you and they will come to you, come along beside you and pull from you, and you want to be able to give them something of value. You know, for me, it's my children. My children don't come to me like they, like they did in the past, so when they do, I want to make sure I've got something good for them.

Audrey McCracken:

A couple weeks ago, one of my kids, who has been very, very busy, came in while I was reading in my room and sat down on the floor and just started talking to me and, by the grace of the Lord, I had enough wisdom to say, oh, this is a special time. He doesn't do this very much. I'm going to put my book down and just listen, and as I did, he started pouring out things to me, things that he hasn't really spoken to me about. I kind of saw him struggling with some things, things that he hasn't really spoken to me about. I kind of saw him struggling with some things, but didn't feel like he was open to my wisdom, to my words.

Audrey McCracken:

But here he was, sitting right here in my room, pouring these things out, looking to me for my advice, asking me for advice, and so the Lord opened up that opportunity, and my prayer, even as I'm talking to him, even as I'm listening to him, is Lord, give me your words, lord, let me have wisdom in this situation. You know, he's asking me for wisdom and he's coming to me and I shared with him what I saw, what I thought, and then I prayed with him. But see, as you store up wisdom, it's not just for you, it's for those around you who look to you or who one day will look to you for wisdom, for direction, for insight. And so I see it as that's what we're doing we're storing up not just for our own self, but for those we love, so we have something to give to them when they're in need. But where do we get this wisdom? Well, the first place we get this wisdom is God's word, which is why it's so important that we spend that time that we carve out time, even when it's really busy, to have those minutes with Jesus. See, we'll get so busy we'll think, well, I'm okay this day, or I'm okay for a couple of days. And, guys, that happens to all of us for a couple of days. And guys, that happens to all of us.

Audrey McCracken:

You know, there's days when I wake up running and I lay down at night exhausted. But if I go like that for so long, I'm going to give out a steam, I'm going to give out a gas. I've got to draw alone beside the Lord and listen and get in his word. But I want to read to you Colossians 3.16. Paul says in Colossians 3.16, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Teach and admonish one another in all wisdom and with gratitude in your hearts. Sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God.

Audrey McCracken:

That's what I want to do. I want to let Christ's word dwell in me richly. I want to be rich in the word. The only way to do that is to get in the word and I want to be able to admonish, to encourage others with that wisdom. And I want to have a heart that's full of gratitude and I want to have a song that's always on my lips and I want to be able to share those things with those around me so that it's pouring out. You know it's pouring out to other people, so that the things that God has fed me with I can feed them with. Isn't that good? Now, god, he doesn't want us to be foolish, he wants us to be wise and we can grow in wisdom. But, like I said, the last podcast that I did, I talked about that tree. It takes time, we grow slow, but the most important thing is that we grow, is that we keep growing, is that we keep taking in God's word so we can be strong, so we can be the men and women of God that have not just enough for ourselves, but for others.

Audrey McCracken:

I hope that this has been an encouraging word to you and a blessing. I hope that this has been an encouraging word to you and a blessing. And before I let you go, I want to pray with you and just tell you how thankful I am to be back, how glad I am to be back with you, and encourage you to reach out to me If you listen, if you're a new listener, if you've been listening for a long time and you've never connected with me, please send me a message. You can find me on Facebook. You can find me on Facebook. You can find me on Messenger. You can find my email in the show notes. But just reach out and say hi, father, I just thank you for these precious ladies who are listening today.

Audrey McCracken:

I thank you that you have wisdom for them. That Lord, whatever situation they face, lord, whatever difficulty, whatever place they find themselves right now that they're not alone. And Lord, you want to give them wisdom in the midst of all the foolishness around us. That, father, you want them to stand on solid ground. You want them to be confident as a mom, confident as a woman, confident as a friend. That Lord, you want them to have enough not just to meet their needs but, lord, to give to others when they come, when they come to them for help.

Audrey McCracken:

And I pray today for your wisdom. You said if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally to all without finding fault. Man lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally to all without finding fault. Father, we ask you for generous wisdom that you would just pour it on liberally, lord. That, lord, you wouldn't hold back. And Lord, that you would show us how to so value that wisdom that it would be so precious to us, that Lord, we would not hold it loosely, but we would store it up, lord, in our hearts. In Jesus' name, thank you, father, amen.