Grace for My Home | Christian Women, Growing in Faith, Spirit-Led, Hearing from God, Sowing Truth
Are you a Christian woman who wants to grow in your faith? Do you long for a godly vision for your home that will inspire you to be faithful in your calling as a wife & mom, even through challenging times? Do you wish you had a better understanding of God’s plan for you and your family? If so, I have great news for you. These are God’s desires for you too! In fact, I believe He is the One who plants these desires deep in the hearts of His daughters. He wants to help you find the answers you need. Grace for My Home is a podcast dedicated to helping Christian women grow in their faith as they raise their families. Each week Audrey shares encouraging stories, messages, and insights to help you keep your eyes on the high calling of motherhood in the midst of messy every day life. For more mama encouragement visit: // graceformyhome.com.
Grace for My Home | Christian Women, Growing in Faith, Spirit-Led, Hearing from God, Sowing Truth
Seek Jesus and You Will Find Him
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Hello friends, welcome back to Grace From my Home. I'm Audrey McCracken and I'm so glad you've joined me here again today. This week on the podcast, I'm going to share with you a message that I shared at my church a few weeks ago. It's called Seek Jesus and you Will Find Him. It's a very encouraging message about the most important thing in the world, which is our relationship with Jesus Christ and how only he satisfies. I hope and pray that it will be a blessing to you this week and that, if it is a blessing to you this week, that you would share it, that you would share it with a friend, you'd share it with someone else who you think it would encourage. And I'm excited about some changes, some things that are coming up in the next few weeks, and I hope to be able to share more of that with you as I figure it out myself. So, god bless, have a great week, enjoy.
Speaker 1:Today I want to share with you from the Gospel of Luke. I'm going to read two parables from the Gospel of Luke. I'm going to read two parables or, I'm sorry, one parable and then two encounters with Jesus. And if you have your Bibles today, I want you to turn to Luke, chapter 18. And I want to read this. I'm going to try and make it as short as possible and I hope that it is a blessing to you. I hope you get something out of it. But we're going to read a parable Now.
Speaker 1:Jesus was teaching his followers how to pray. He was teaching them how to pray and in chapter 18 of Luke he talks about a Pharisee and a publican and he says in verse 9 of chapter 18 of Luke he says and he also told this parable to some of the people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and viewed others with contempt Two men went off into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself God I thank you that I am not like other people swindlers, unjust adulterers and even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I pay tithes and all that I get. But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast saying God, be merciful to me, the sinner. I tell you this man went to his house justified rather than the other, for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted. Amen.
Speaker 1:And don't you love the way Jesus? He shows the picture so clearly. You know, he juxtaposes two people, two different people with two different hearts and two different lives, and it's never like we think it should be or would be. Right, right, and it's a parable. You know it's a parable. He's given examples. But the man who was the Pharisee, who had it all together, I love it that he's thanking the Lord for himself. Lord, thank you for me. I just thank you. I'm so good. I just thank you that I'm wonderful. Lord. I thank you that I've got it all together.
Speaker 1:I'm not like other men and I'm not like this tax collector, and so he's praying to the Lord, but his eyes are on the tax collector, amen. Because he's judging himself not by God and what God wants and what God requires, but he's judging himself by other people. And as long as he's doing better than the next guy, he's doing okay, amen. He feels good about where he is, he feels good about his standing with the Lord, because at least I'm not like that guy, right? And so he feels good about himself. I'm fasting twice a week. I'm, you know, I'm doing, I'm, I'm, I'm hitting it, you know I'm getting it, and he feels good about himself.
Speaker 1:But the tax collector, he won't even look up. He won't even look up. He knows who he is, he knows he's not worthy. He says, lord, have mercy on me. Such a simple, short prayer, but it gets through. Amen, it gets through. It's the simple, short prayers that get through. Amen, it gets through. It's the simple, short prayers that get through. Amen, because he didn't have his eyes on everybody else. He's got his eyes on the Lord and when you put your eyes on the Lord, it's very obvious who. You are right, you can't fake it. When you've got your eyes on Jesus, amen.
Speaker 1:And then, shortly after this, he has an encounter. Jesus has an encounter with somebody who's seeking, with somebody who's seeking and everybody in here, I dare say, knows this story but it's with the rich, young ruler. So if you skip down just a little bit in chapter 18, verse 18, it says here a little bit. In chapter 18, verse 18, it says here a ruler questioned him, saying good teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said to him why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother. And he said all these things I have done since my youth. And Jesus heard this. He said to him one thing you still lack. Sell all that you possess, distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven and come and follow me.
Speaker 1:But when he had heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. And Jesus looked at him and said how hard is it for those who are wealthy to enter into the kingdom of God? For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. And they all heard it and they said well, who can be saved then? But he said the things that are impossible with people are possible with God, amen.
Speaker 1:And so this young man, rich man, he comes to Jesus. He knows there's something missing. He knows there's something missing. Lord Jesus, what can I do to inherit eternal life? He believes in eternal life, right? So there's at least there's a belief there that there's more. What can I do to inherit or to get to secure this eternal life? I've got everything else. Now how do I get this? How do I get this? And Jesus knows right where to go. Jesus knows exactly where to put his finger right In all of our lives. He knows exactly where to put his finger and he puts his finger on the one thing that this young man was not willing to part with, and that was his wealth. That this young man was not willing to part with, and that was his wealth, the one thing. And he was sad because he was wealthy. Amen, if it could have just been one more. Anything else, lord, anything else we could have had a deal right. But no, I'm not letting go of this.
Speaker 1:And Jesus said so all you have and come and follow me. Do you know? Jesus only said that to his disciples. Yes, he only said that to his disciples. He was calling this man to follow him, to be close to him, amen. But he went away, sad because I can't let go of that. No, lord, not that, not that.
Speaker 1:And then, if you read on a little bit and I wasn't planning on mentioning this, but I think it's so good I hate not to touch on it. You know, his disciples are there and they hear it. And he says you know, no man, no rich man. It's hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom, but it's possible, right? And then this man wouldn't let go of the things that were most important to him.
Speaker 1:And then Peter because Peter's always saying what everybody else is thinking, right, he's the one that's not afraid to ask Jesus the tough things. And he says in verse 28, and Peter said Behold, we have left our homes and followed you, peter's, like we gave it all up. Maybe they didn't have as much as this rich man, but we gave it up. Lord, what about us? And Jesus said Truly I say to you that there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children for my sake, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive, many times as much at this time or in this age and in the age to come, eternal life. So the rich young ruler is asking about how do I get eternal life? You know, I've collected all this stuff, I've got it all. How do I get eternal life. That's the one thing I just hadn't quite got to yet. How do I get that? And Jesus tells him how to get it and he turns away because it costs too much.
Speaker 1:And Peter and his disciples are standing there and they've given up everything. Lord, what about us? We gave up everything and Jesus said you will be rewarded in this life and in the life to come. You will get what the rich man could not afford, amen, or would not pay for. You will get eternal life. Guys, there's nothing that you've given up in this world that Jesus is not taking account of. He sees everything and he keeps account, and there's nothing that you've given up that he will not reward you for in this life and in the next to come. Amen, amen. Our treasure is in heaven. We are saving up treasure in heaven and we need to be reminded of that, because this world does not remind us of that. The world calls us fools. The world says you're a world says you're a fool. You're a fool. Why would you give all that up For religion? Why would you give that up For God? And Jesus is saying don't lose hope. There is a reward for those who choose me, amen. There is a reward for those who choose me. But then he has another encounter. Okay, luke 19. In my Bible I just got to flip the page Luke 19,.
Speaker 1:He has another encounter, and this time I know you know this one too Chapter 19,. Starting in verse 1, it says he meaning Jesus. He entered Jericho and he was passing through and there was a man by the name of Zacchaeus and he was a chief tax collector and he was rich. Now Zacchaeus was trying to see who Jesus was, but he was unable because of the crowd, for he was a man small in stature, he was short. For he was a man small in stature, he was short. So he ran ahead and he climbed up a sycamore tree in order to see him, for he was about to pass through that way.
Speaker 1:When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and he said to him Zacchaeus, hurry, come down, for today I must stay at your house. And he hurried and he came down and he received him gladly. And when he saw it and when they saw it let me start over and when they saw it, they all began to grumble, saying he has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner. And Zacchaeus stopped and he said to the Lord behold, lord, half of all my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much. And Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house because he too is a son of Abraham, for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost, amen. So we got another rich man. We got another rich man, amen. And Jesus said it is possible, right, it is possible for rich men to enter the kingdom. Well, here's Zacchaeus, he's a rich man. It is possible for a rich man to enter the kingdom. Well, here's Zacchaeus, he's a rich man. What's the difference?
Speaker 1:The Pharisee, just like in the parable, the Pharisee, was very proud of himself. He didn't see himself as a sinner, he didn't know his greatest need. Zacchaeus had the money, but he knew it didn't satisfy. Amen. See, the rich young ruler was that Pharisee who stood there and said Thank you for me. Thank you that I'm awesome. Lord, you made me awesome. Thank you, I'm not like other men.
Speaker 1:See, the rich young ruler was looking for a theological discussion. I've kept all the commandments since my birth. Now, rabbi, you show me the trick. What's the trick? How do I get this eternal life? Show me the trick, lord Jesus. Show me how do I figure this thing out? I've got everything else figured out. Now how do I figure this out?
Speaker 1:And Jesus puts his finger on the one thing he won't let go of. See, he was looking for information. He wasn't looking for Jesus. Zacchaeus was looking for Jesus. See, we find what we look for. If we're looking for Jesus, we will find him. Amen, if you're looking for Jesus, if you're seeking Jesus, you will find him. But you got to seek him and Zacchaeus was looking for Jesus and Jesus didn't have to tell him to let go of his stuff. Jesus didn't have to tell Zacchaeus to let go of his stuff. Zacchaeus willingly said Lord, here you go, here you go.
Speaker 1:And see, people were critical why would you eat with a sinner? Why would you eat with a sinner? Because you're all sinners. And he's the one who realizes it. Amen, he's the one who knows it, he's the one. Those who are well do not need a physician. And he realizes he needs a physician. And I meet that need. Amen, isn't that good? Isn't that good?
Speaker 1:See, the rich, young ruler. He just wanted to have an interaction, an exchange of information, of ideas. Zacchaeus brought this man into his home. Zacchaeus had fellowship with Jesus. See, when we bring Jesus close, when we get close with him, when we really listen, when we really find out what's on his heart, when we really find out who he is, nothing else really has that pull on us anymore. We can let go of these things that we've been holding on to. That we think give us our identity, we think gives us security, we think it makes us who we are. So we hold on to those things so tightly. Because who is the rich young ruler if he's no longer rich and he's no longer ruling? Who is he? He's nobody. See, he's identified as the rich young ruler. Take away his money, take away his position. He's nobody. And see he was in love with himself. So how's he going If he gives that up? Who is he?
Speaker 1:See, we have to decide to be identified in Christ. We have to decide that Jesus is my identity. We have to decide that. You know what? I trust him with all the stuff. I trust him with all the position. I trust him with all the power. I trust him he's not going to let me down, amen. And the fellowship is where the transfer happens. See, it's the fellowship is where the transfer happens. When he comes in and he abides with me and I abide with him and I get to know him and I realize he's the prize, he's the pearl Amen, he's the pearl of great price. He's worth it all. When I fall in love with him, then the stuff he loses it's hold on me Amen. It doesn't represent my very identity, it doesn't represent my security in this world Amen. I put my trust in Jesus and he won't let me down. I put my trust in Jesus and he won't let me down. I put my trust in Jesus and I get eternal life. But what good is eternal life unless I'm spending it with Jesus? See, guys, we got to fall in love again and again and again and again. We got to fall in love or it becomes a drudgery Amen, it becomes a drudgery.
Speaker 1:I was reading something I've been. I was reading this book this week about marriage and I've been studying about that because I've been teaching some of it on my podcast and it was something I read and I thought oh, that's good. It said without love, without intimacy, without closeness, marriage is just a business transaction. Amen. It's just figuring out who's going to watch the kids, I mean, it's just figuring out who's going to pay the bills. It's just figuring out. You know, it's just a business transaction, unless there's love in there. I mean, that's why you got married in the first place, hopefully, right when that goes, it's just business, it's dry. And that's how it is with serving Jesus.
Speaker 1:Without the love, without falling in love with him, over and over and over and over again Remember that song. Without falling in love with him, it's just a business transaction, it's a drudgery. It's like, oh, I've got to do this again. Oh, I've got to go to church again. Oh, it's raining outside Amen.
Speaker 1:But when he's in there amen, like Michael said this morning when the oil is still in there and the fire is still going, then I'm drawn to him, I'm attracted to him, and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. Amen. And he's so good that I want to give him to other people. So that's when Jesus is good. He's when you want to give him to somebody else, when you found the way, when you found the thing and you want to give it out. That's when it's, that's when it's good. That's when it's good. That's when it's good. It's like oh, I found this thing. You've got to see what I found. It's so good and it's the answer to all of the questions. And it's so good. Amen, isn't he good? He loves you. Amen, he loves me.
Speaker 1:It's not a business transaction. It's not void of feeling and emotion. It's not about the rules on the wall and making sure you do it all right so you can get into heaven. Amen. It's about the one who gave everything for you. It's about the one who said I will be associated with those that are called sinners. Jesus wasn't afraid to be associated with the sinners. It says he became sin that we could become the righteousness of God. It says he stooped down to pull us up, and that's His heart. Amen.
Speaker 1:And when we know that we're the sinner, it makes it so much easier. Amen. When we know we're the sinner, it makes it so much easier. Amen, when we know we're the sinner. And the best way to know we're the sinner is to look to Jesus. Okay, see, when we look at each other and we compare ourselves to each other, especially to those who aren't trying I mean, especially to those who aren't even trying to serve Jesus. And we look at them and we think, well, I'm all right, I'm okay, I'm doing all right. You know I'm not doing that. No wonder what she does. See, that's what the Pharisee did. He said I'm doing okay, I'm doing okay. But see, when we put our eyes on Jesus, we know we'll never measure up. And that's a wonderful place to be. That's a wonderful place to be when you come to the realization that I am never going to do this.
Speaker 1:See, the rich, young ruler came to Jesus and said what can I do for eternal life? He said, jesus, what can I do? There's nothing he could do. There was nothing he could do. See, he'd always done it, I'd always done it, I always done it, I always did it myself. I'll do this thing, I'll figure this thing out. There's nothing you can do to get close to Jesus, but just come to him and say here I am Lord. There's nothing you can do to inherit eternal life, but to receive what he's already done. Amen, there's nothing we can do. And I've got to fall in love with Him. My love's been waning. My love's been waning.
Speaker 1:It's been a transaction relationship, amen. Prayer is not like the ATM, right, the ATM you put your card in, you put your code in, you put in how much you want and you get it out right, that's a transaction. Today I need this. I'm going to go to God. I transaction. I'm just going to put today I need this. I'm going to go to God, I'm going to pray, I'm going to put in my code, the magic code. Right, I know the right words. I put in my code and then I'll tell him what I need and he'll give me that. It's a transaction, right. No, it's a relationship.
Speaker 1:And when it becomes a transaction, it gets really complicated, amen. Because then we start thinking we deserve the things, because we've done the right things, and it's you never deserve the things. Amen. It's always grace, it's all grace, it's always grace. And that good.
Speaker 1:You know, when I, when I came to the Lord and I gave the Lord my heart, I had never known love like that, didn't know it was possible, didn't know it existed. When I met Jesus, I found love like I had never known, melted all of the other stuff away. Oh, my goodness, is this real? This is too good to be true. It costs you everything. You can have it, but it costs you everything. But if you it, but it costs you everything. But if you spend some time with them, you realize you got a deal. Amen.
Speaker 1:The rich young ruler didn't know the prize.
Speaker 1:See, he was in transaction mode. You tell me what I can do and I'll earn it, and then I'll have eternal life with all my riches, everything else I've collected. That'll be the main thing, right? Jesus said no, it don't work that way. Don't work that way. I hope that it's something that you can chew on this week. I hope that it's something that you can meditate on this week. Amen, I hope that you'll get along with Jesus and say Lord, I don't want it to be a transaction anymore. Amen, I don't want it to be a transaction anymore. I want to really know you, lord. We just thank you that, lord, your grace is enough. Lord, jesus, your grace is enough. Lord, there's nothing we can do to earn your love. There's nothing we can do to earn eternal life, lord. And we ask you to draw us near, lord. We ask you to help us to fall in love with you over and over again. God, show us how to keep the fire burning, burning, burning. Lord. Show us how. In Jesus' name. In Jesus' name, amen.